As part of the PT Orthodontics family, Children Teen and Dental is proud to offer seamless orthodontic care with trusted providers who have been serving our community for decades. With PT Ortho’s renowned expertise, we ensure your child receives exceptional care tailored to their unique needs. Schedule a consultation today and experience the difference of coordinated care under one roof!
Link Back to PT OrthoOrthodontics can completely transform your child or teen’s smile! With a brand new smile, they can feel confident and their oral health can be improved as well. If you are interested in orthodontics for your child, we recommend our Orthodontics Savings Plan! Our plan allows you to save money on a monthly basis towards your child’s future treatment and we’ll donate 20% of your savings towards treatment once it’s time to get started. If you are looking for orthodontics in Gadsden, AL, schedule a consultation today!